What if everything you thought you knew about anorexia nervosa was wrong?

Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is possibly the world’s most misunderstood illness. From the causes of the condition to the type of person who develops it to the best way to treat it, there is a mountain of misinformation both online and off. Some of these falsehoods create stigma, deter people from seeking treatment, lengthen the duration of the illness and worse.

The aim of this blog is to dispel some of the myths around anorexia nervosa once and for all. If you would like to contribute to this site or offer suggestions of topics to cover, please get in touch.

If you think you are developing an eating disorder, it’s important that you seek medical help as soon as possible. Also please see this list of resources and let me know if you’d like to recommend any. And if you, or a loved one, has anorexia nervosa or another type of eating disorder, please remember…

Recovery is possible. For everyone.